Monday, December 22, 2008

The Lord's Many Blessings

Yesterday was my last day at my job. A job I loved very much.
It has been a hard 7 weeks leading up to this time, with many emotions; confusion, anger, sadness.
But the Lord has shown me that even in the valley times He is with us. As in the story of Joseph being sent to Egypt, it says that God was with him. Like Joseph, I feel God is with me, blessing me in ways I could not dream of.

I wanted to share with you some of those blessings as a testimony of God's hand at work.

1. A check for $200.00
2. Dec. rent paid for $540.00
3. A $40.00 gift card.
4. Christmas card with $1000.00 inside.
5. Christmas card with $300.00 inside.
6. Jan. rent paid for $540.00
7. A $40.00 gas card.
8. A card with a $300.00 Christmas blessing
9. Another card with $90.00 inside.
10. Health insurance paid for both Jan. and Feb.
11. Feb. rent paid for $540.00
12. Mar. rent paid for $540.00

This adds up to be over 3,000 dollars given by God's hand, by the heart of His people.

If you think their is no God, think again. The Lord likes to bless His people. You could be missing out on the many blessings the Lord has waiting for you. These blessings may not always be in the form of money. He does not always give us what we want, but He will give us what we need.

The Lord has truly been gracious to me through these many gifts. He is a loving Father.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6